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Play and win real money

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Link azonosító (ID): 668
Link címsor: Play and win real money
Kategória: jatekok.wyw.hu
    |__Online játékok (Külföldi)
Link leírása: ANNO1777 is an online game that simulates an economic, political and military system like in the real world. You are a citizen of the XVII century in posture to fight on all levels to advance in the social hierarchy. You can open businesses, become governor or you can pick up a military empire. Everything is up to you. Unlike other games of this type, on ANNO1777 virtual money can be exchanged for real money and vice versa. In other words, a financial success in the virtual world of the game, becomes a financial success in the real world. ANNO1777 can be played directly from a browser like Internet Explorer and requires no downloads.
URL cím: http://www.anno1777.com/
Hozzáadva: A weboldal ekkor került be katalógusunkba: 2010-08-29
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Linkre kattintás: Eddig 29 alkalommal látogatták meg ezt a honlapot.
További információk: anno1777.com
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